"... 'Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress...the foreigner or the poor.'" Zechariah 7:9-10
Refugees In the USA
Refugees who are legally resettled in the USA are unable to return to their own countries due to well founded fears after fleeing from wars, and civil, ethnic, and religious persecution. They did not want to leave their countries, their homes, their possessions, and livelihoods. Refuge Sports has served former refugees from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bhutan (Nepali), Burma/ Myanmar (Chin, Rohingya), the Congo, Cuba, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Senegal, Syria, and Ukraine.
Refugees who are resettled in the USA through the UNHCR are legal immigrants. When they step off a plane onto American soil, they are no longer refugees! They are given a social security number and are expected to get a job immediately. They become tax payers! The Afghan and Ukraine crisis brought better understanding of exactly who legal refugees are and what makes people refugees.